Friday, June 15, 2007

Good Morning

Good Morning! Hope you are all well and happy. I am looking forward to the whole family being well again. That enduring flu has invaded our home and I am ready to be rid of it. DS is doing the best of all, but it is lingering amongst the rest of us. We have finally received something my whole area has been wishing for. Rain, glorious rain. Swoooooosh..... if you listen you can hear the sounds of the lake filling up, bass fish rolling in delight and the flowers, shrubs, trees and GRASS are just screaming "GREEN -- It's so easy being green." Yes the birds are all atwitter and the butterflies have been hiding under their umbrellas (leaves). I am sure it will feel like a sauna later when the this side of the earth heats up from the suns enduring rays. Is anyone interested in retiring and buying a home with a beautiful peaceful view? It simply must go to someone who will love it as much as we do. Father's Day is almost here! I found Father's Day word origins on If they show the ad for the Visual Thesaurus, it is worth a look too. I do plan on creating more freebies to share. I am learning so much and there is still so much to learn. I'm sure you've seen Jessica Sprague's blog and her incredible articles in her mag "Computer Tips for Scrapbookers." Run, don't walk... this is cool. There are freebies involved too.

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